Crusted roast shoulder of lamb
Whole shoulder of lamb on the bone
6 cloves garlic, peeled & cut in slivers
4 stems fresh rosemary, in small sprigs
1 can anchovies in oil
1tbsp olive or rapeseed oil
Ground black pepper
1tbsp plain flour
150ml (1/4 pt) white wine
600ml (1pt) lamb or vegetable stock
How to make it…
Place the peeled and sliced garlic, rosemary sprigs, anchovy fillets and their oil, the olive or rapeseed oil and some black pepper in a small food processor or blender and whiz until a lumpy paste has formed.
Place the lamb on the rack in the small roasting tin and spread evenly with the paste. If there is time, cover the lamb with clingfilm and allow to marinate in the fridge for up to 8 hours or overnight.
2, 3, 4 and 5 Oven AGA: Cook in the Roasting Oven on the 2nd set of runners for about 45 minutes until browned and crisp. Transfer to the Simmering Oven on the runners and cook for a further 3-4 hours until tender.
Conventional oven: Cook at 200°C/Gas 6 for 30-40 minutes until browned then reduce the oven temperature to 150°C/Gas 2 and cook for a further 3-4 hours until tender.
Place the meat on a warm serving plate, cover and keep warm whilst you make the gravy. Spoon most of the fat out of the roasting tin then add the flour and stir until smooth. Now gradually blend in the stock and wine then place on the Boiling Plate or a high heat and bring up to simmering point, stirring continuously. Transfer the tin to the floor of the Roasting Oven or reduce the heat a little and allow to simmer for a further 2-3 minutes then pour into a warm gravy boat and serve with slices of the lamb.